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Uncover the science and benefits behind OsmoLax® Relief in our comprehensive ‘Learn’ section. Dive into a wealth of information that about osmotic laxatives, OsmoLax®’s active ingredient, “Macrogol“ and general information on constipation treatments which may assist in maintaining regular, comfortable bowel movements.
What is Constipation?
Constipation occurs when your bowel movements become difficult to pass or when they happen less frequently than usual.
Normal stools should be soft, formed and passed without straining but the frequency of bowel movements is different for everyone. For some, it is normal to have a movement once or twice a day, but others only have a few movements each week — all are considered normal if it is your regular routine and you are not straining. Only you can determine what is normal for you.
Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

Symptoms Of Constipation
The main symptom of constipation is a hard, dry stool that is infrequent or difficult to pass.
Other symptoms may include:
✓ Two or fewer bowel motions per week
✓ Hard, lumpy, dry stools
✓ Straining to pass a motion
✓ Abdominal cramps
✓ Bloated abdomen
✓ Lack of energy
✓ Having to sit on the toilet for much longer than usual
✓ Sensation afterwards that the bowel hasn’t fully emptied
Causes Of Constipation
There are many causes of constipation, but the main cause is due to the slow movement of the stools through the bowel.
The large bowel (or colon) absorbs water from the stools. When stools are not moved regularly, this can result in too much water being absorbed, forming small, hard, dry stools that are difficult to pass. A number of factors can cause the passage of stools to slow down.
The most common causes are:
Insufficient fluid intake
Water makes the bowel motion soft and easier to pass. With insufficient fluid intake, the stools become hard and dry which makes having a bowel movement difficult.

Inadequate amounts of fibre in the diet
Regular consumption of fibre rich foods like fruit and vegetables, cereals, bran and whole grain bread help to maintain a regular routine. The body does not absorb fibre so it travels through the system to the bowel, where it provides bulk for the bowel motion. Fibre also absorbs water, making the stool soft and easier to pass.
Ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement
This is especially common in children, as they may be too busy playing to take the time to go to the toilet or accessing a toilet may be difficult. Busy schedules and racing to be ready for school or work can result in delaying a trip to the toilet.

Lack of physical activity
Exercise helps the muscles work to move the stools through the bowel.

Medically diagnosed IBS
Medically diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can cause constipation.
Change in lifestyle or routine
When your normal body rhythm is disrupted by travel, routine bowel habits can be upset and constipation may result.

Female hormones can affect the bowel habit and constipation is more common during pregnancy.

Certain medical conditions
Certain medical conditions may also cause or worsen constipation.

Some medications
Constipation can also be caused by some medications and supplements, ask your pharmacist for advice.
If you have any concerns you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist.